Utility App

A web application made to manage personal content and share media

Utility App
  • Javascript
  • Express
  • EJS
  • Passport
  • JSON
  • Bootstrap


Welcome to my NodeJS utility application, where a world of versatile tools awaits your discovery. This project marks one of my first significant forays into application development, and the learning process has been both challenging and rewarding. Built with Express, EJS, Passport.js, Bootstrap, and a unique twist of using a JSON file as the database, this app showcases my passion for offering a diverse range of utilities that cater to users’ needs. From note-taking to saving books and even engaging trivia games, this application brings a seamless and feature-rich experience to users’ fingertips.

Inspired by the desire to create an application that simplifies and enhances daily tasks, I envisioned a one-stop utility platform that could serve multiple purposes. My goal was to combine practicality with fun, offering an array of utilities that cater to users’ diverse needs. From jotting down notes to organizing a personal bookshelf and engaging in captivating trivia games, this app embraces the spirit of versatility.

Building with Express, EJS, and Bootstrap

To bring my vision to life, I turned to the powerful trio of Express, EJS, and Bootstrap. Leveraging Express, I crafted a robust back-end that handles user requests and seamlessly interacts with the JSON file acting as the database. EJS empowered me to design dynamic and interactive user interfaces, enhancing the user experience with its template rendering capabilities. With Bootstrap, I created responsive and visually appealing layouts, ensuring the app is accessible across various devices.

Passport.js for Enhanced User Authentication

Understanding the significance of user security and privacy, I integrated Passport.js into the application to handle authentication seamlessly. This added layer of security allows users to sign up, log in, and safeguard their data with confidence, creating a safe and reliable environment for their personal notes, saved books, and game scores.

The Unique Database Approach - JSON File

One of the standout features of this app is the innovative use of a JSON file as the database. This unconventional approach, although challenging at times, has taught me valuable lessons in data handling and manipulation. The JSON file serves as a compact and efficient solution, allowing users to store their notes, book lists, and trivia game scores with ease.

Learning and Growth

As one of my first major applications, this project has been a significant stepping stone in my journey as a developer. I have gained invaluable insights into building robust applications, handling user data, and creating seamless user experiences. The process of learning and growing with this app has fueled my passion for development and motivated me to explore even greater possibilities in the world of NodeJS.

My NodeJS utility application represents the amalgamation of creativity, versatility, and hands-on learning. From the seamless integration of Express, EJS, Passport.js, and Bootstrap to the inventive use of a JSON file as the database, this app stands as a testament to my commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. As you explore the various utilities, I hope this application sparks joy in your daily tasks and infuses your leisure moments with exciting trivia games. Join me on this journey of utility and fun, and let’s embrace the boundless possibilities together! Thank you for being a part of my NodeJS utility app journey, and I eagerly look forward to your valuable feedback and future innovations.