First Dadastudios Page

Meet my first brand website and compare the big differences with the current one

First Dadastudios Page
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Handlebars
  • Express
  • My SQL
  • Passport

The Story of My First Personal Website

Welcome to my first personal website, a window into my creative endeavors and a showcase of the products I had previously crafted. This project holds a special place in my heart as it marks the beginning of my journey as a web developer, brimming with enthusiasm and a thirst for learning. Built with Express, SQL, Handlebars, and the versatile Passport.js for user authentication, this website stands as a testament to my passion for creating meaningful and engaging experiences for users. Though unfinished, it represents a pivotal stage in my growth, paving the way for the development of subsequent applications.

With my first personal website, I aimed to curate an eclectic display of the projects I had meticulously crafted. From web applications to utility tools, this platform was designed to share my passion for web development and showcase the products of my creative spirit. Whether it was a simulation app, a utility tool, or an interactive website, each project carried a piece of my dedication and a testament to my growth as a developer.

Building with Express, SQL, and Handlebars

To realize my vision, I delved into the powerful realm of Express, SQL, and Handlebars. Express provided a robust back-end framework, facilitating seamless server-side interactions and powering the dynamic elements of the website. SQL served as the foundation for my database, where I stored information about my projects and users’ credentials securely. Handlebars, with its templating capabilities, allowed me to create stunning and interactive front-end interfaces, providing a delightful user experience.

Passport.js for Versatile Authentication

Understanding the significance of user security and accessibility, I integrated Passport.js, enabling a diverse range of authentication methods. Users could sign in with their Google, Facebook, or GitHub accounts or opt for traditional email registration. This multifaceted approach fostered a welcoming and inclusive environment for visitors to engage with my portfolio effortlessly.

Overcoming Challenges and Gaining Insight

As with any venture, my first personal website presented its share of challenges and learning opportunities. The decision to utilize an SQL database posed its unique hurdles, particularly in deploying the website and managing the database remotely. Despite facing setbacks that led to the website’s unfinished state, the experience offered valuable insights into database management and deployment procedures, becoming the stepping stone for future projects.


My first personal website is a testament to my unwavering passion for web development and the limitless potential of technology. While it remains a work in progress, the journey of crafting this platform has taught me invaluable lessons, solidifying my commitment to creating seamless user experiences and nurturing a vibrant online presence. As I continue to grow and evolve as a developer, I fondly look back on this website as the starting point of an exhilarating journey. Thank you for joining me on this exploration of creativity and innovation, and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter of web development wonders that lie ahead.