AliExpress Clone

A exact clone of the homepage of AliExpress, even along with a set of features with dynamic behaviour

AliExpress Clone
  • Typescript
  • Vite
  • React
  • React Router
  • Bulma
  • CSS

Why this project?

For put into action the concepts learned about front-end development, I thought it’s a nice idea to replicate the homepage of Aliexpress. To do this, I implemented the concepts of below:

This project was born to only replicate the appierance of the webpage, however it evolved to a better insight more complex

Specific tasks

In this project I had to accomplish the following requisites:

  • A custom CSS for a better management of the styles in order to clone the apperience of Aliexpress exactly like it looks like
  • The folder structure is oriented to a real project, so that is made up of a recursive structure inside the folders
  • An interactive and dynamic GUI with a bunch of componenets separed by folders according their type
  • Usage of Typescript in order to avoid type-errors and, instead handle the data-flow of the project properly
  • Consuming a REST API to get the products attributes like it was a common e-commerce webpage
  • Formatting of currency and selection of languages to choose at the navbar


In general the most useful things I’ve learned with this project was the project files organization and the usage of a good CSS semantic clases.

How ever during the development layout and component problems didn’t wait to show up, so I had to find efficient and scalable solutions for this challenges:

  • Create a custom carrousel component that accepts different types of content formats
  • Design a select box for the language and currency options which requests a global languages API
  • Build different styled components with only CSS in order to leverage its powerful posibilities